Life is full of uncertainty. The human-made world demands so much of us, drawing on our physical and emotional resources, competing for our attention and our money, increasingly it seems we are running out of time and energy for the things that really matter to us: our family, our well-being, our health. Is life really meant to be this rushed and cluttered? I don’t think so, but there is more that just the human-made in this world….

It’s time to come back into balance with the seasons….

There is a world that exists alongside the human-made, one that stimulates our creativity, strengthens our immunity, calms our nervous system and hearts, eases our depression, anxiety and racing minds, and demands nothing of us. This is the natural world, and it surrounds us in each moment, and yet somehow we resist accessing this incredible resource for wellness, health and vitality. It’s hard to prioritise time in nature when there are bills to be paid, children to be fed, and appointments to rush to, and yet this is the antidote to stress that our bodies, hearts and minds are truly craving.

I invite you on a journey with me to reconnect with the natural world.

Seasons of Connection is a 7 week deep dive into nature as your mentor, your healer and your sanctuary.

When we tune in to the cycles of the seasons, time slows down again, we regain our sense of balance, find our centre, and can move forward in life with more clarity, ease and confidence.

Settle in to the space with gratitude for the country on which you currently live, and prepare to embody the languages of the earth.

You belong to the earth. You are safe to connect to it and feel supported. Grounding our energy into Gaia to build a strong foundation for life.

Uncover your true expression of love for earth and self. Let your creativity flow. Your beauty is earth expressing itself.

Expand your capacity to experience  peace through deep nature connection practices, EFT and mindfulness. Release grief and embrace your love for our planet.

Your home is your sanctuary and base. A clear space supports a clear mind, and congruent heart.

Your natural state is one of ease, flow and trust. Connecting with nature builds a solid foundation for our lives to grow from and flourish.

Kerrie Scott

Kerrie Scott

Nature Connection Mentor

My work in Nature Connection is the result of a lifelong desire to inspire others to share in the deep sense of well-being and belonging I experience through my connection to earth. I believe it is through direct relationship with wild spaces that true well-being is reached, for people and all life on earth. In 2002 I moved from Qld to Central Victoria to complete a Bachelor degree in  Outdoor Environmental Education, where I spent 3 years bushwalking, canoeing, kayaking, rock-climbing, x-country ski-ing and camping and learning to facilitate empowering, transformative programs. In 2014 I spent a year on Groote Eylandt, forming relationships with the Anindiliyakwan people as I homeschooled our two children.  In 2016 I co-founded Wild Cherry Nature Connection and began our first program: Homeschool in the Wild. In 2018 I completed training with Tom Brown Jnr of The Tracker School in Advanced Tracking & Awareness, Temples of the Soul and Nature Philosophy 1.  In 2019 I became a certified practitioner of Equine Facilitated Learning with Groundwork Therapy in the model of Adventures in Awareness(TM). I have also completed training with Nature Philosophy in the principals of Feminine Mastery, and have spent 15 years home and wild schooling two amazing children. I have recently completed my Facilitators Qualification with Inspired EFT (tapping), and will soon be a qualified Spiritual Companioning Practitioner, specialising in Addictions, Mindfulness and The Virtues Project.  I look forward to sharing this journey with you, and am also available for 1:1 connection coaching for transformation via zoom or in person.